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Pharmacology: Course Outline

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Course Description

General Pharmacology:

  1. Definition & Branches/divisions of pharmacology, objectives of learning   pharmacology.
  2. Definition of drug, drug nomenclature & sources of drugs.
  3. Standard sources of drug information, Pharmacopoeas and Formularies (only relevant information)
  4. Dosage forms and doses of drugs.
  5. Pharmacokinetics: basic principles and their clinical application
  6. Route of drug administration.
  7. Transport of drugs across cell membranes
  8. Absorption of drugs and bioavailability
  9. Drug reservoirs, distribution and redistribution of drugs, plasma protein binding and volume of distribution.
  10. Bio-transformation of drugs.
  11. Excretion of drug, enterohepatic recirculation, plasma half-life,clearance
  12. Pharmacodynamics
  13. Mechanism of drug action.
  14. Receptors and post receptor molecular mechanism of drug action
  15. Mechanism of drug action other than mediated through drug receptors.
  16. Dose response curves, structure-activity relationship.
  17. Factors modifying action and doses of drugs.
  18. Pharmacogenetics.
  19. Adverse drug reactions & drug toxicity/poisoning
  20. Drug Interactions

Locally Acting Drugs (definitions with examples)

  1. Dermatological and topical drugs
  2. Demulcents, emollients, irritants, counter irritants, astringents.
  3. Antiseborrhoeics, locally acting enzymes.
  4. Antiseptics and disinfectants.


  1. Histamine & antihistamines
  2. Introduction to other Mediators:
  3. Eicosanoids
  4. Serotonin
  5. Substance
  6. Bradykinin

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