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Media Activism and Social Change: Course Outline (BMSC1T014)

This course is founded on the notion that students will be benefited increasingly if they are engage with practicality along with the theoretical aspects.

Course Outline

Course Contents

  1. Concept of Change & Social Change
  2. Agents for Social Change      
  3. Models of Social Change
  4. Evolutionary Theory
  5. Functionalist Theory
  6. Conflict Theory          
  • Researching for Social Change
  • Basic principles, methods and strategies to assess Social Change     
  • Campaigning for Social Change
  1. Skills, techniques and tools required for Media Activism     
  • Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Advocating Change   
  • Global Civil Society and Activism    
  •  Social Movements
  1. Anti-War Movement
  2. Snowden and WikiLeaks
  3. Tea Party Movement
  4. Occupy Wall street
  5. Anti-Global movement
  6. Arab Spring Revolution
  7. Judiciary Movement  
  8. Michael Moore One man Struggle

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