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Calculus and Analytical Geometry: Home

Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and their application to solving equations.

Course Objective

Teach the concepts of calculus and analytic geometry and the applications of the concepts to the solution of engineering problems.

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About Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is an integral part of almost every area of our lives, including communications, commerce, entertainment, manufacturing, healthcare, transport, energy and the environment. Electrical Engineers are at the forefront of the challenge to use technology to make things faster, better, cheaper and more sustainable, and to make our lives more productive, healthy and enjoyable.

Riphah College of Science and Technology, RIPHAH International University offers one of the top Electrical Engineering Programs. The faculty is equipped with the state-of-the-art labs and engineering equipment. 100% of the PhD faculty members are foreign qualified. Moreover, the university is offering Pakistan Engineering Council’s accredited Electrical Engineering program.

Electrical Engineering program has highest job prospects in the electrical equipment & system manufacturing companies, power generation and transmission sector, telecommunication, railways, IT & public sector organizations, and research & design industries.

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