Introduction, Review of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, Empirical equations of state, Ideal gas laws, Van der Wall’s equation, Critical phenomena, Hugoniot equation, Mie-Gruneisen equation, Canonical and grand canonical ensembles, partition function, connection with thermodynamics, fluctuations. minimization of free energy, non-interacting,
Quantum statistics: thermal wavelength, identical particles, Fermi and Bose statistics, pressure, entropy, free energy, equation of state,
Fermi gas; non-interacting Bose gas, Paramagnets, Ising model, Approximate methods, Thomas Fermi model, Fermi gas at low temperatures, application to electrons in solids
The Bose gas: photons, phonons, Debye specific heat, Bose-Einstein condensation, equation of state, liquid helium. The order parameter, Broken symmetry, Ising spin model, Ginsburg Landau theory, mean-field theory, critical exponents.