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Business Skills: Home

You can't do business without business skills. These skills are basic skills such as communication, influencing, negotiation and line management.

Course Aims

This module aims to provide students with the skills required to address the requirements undergraduate studies in business- and management-related programmes in UK universities. It is also designed to be of practical use to students studying the International Diploma (Business).

Course Outcomes

Knowledge & Understanding

i)   Explain theories that pertain to effective learning and apply these to facilitating their own learning
ii)  Explain and demonstrate positive and negative body language
iii) Describe theories of team working and relate these to experience

Transferable Skills

i)    Develop and maintain personal development plans and portfolio
ii)   Employ a range of strategies to plan work and manage time
iii)  Write a range of documents suitable for both academic and professional audiences
iv)   Reference and cite appropriately using an accepted standard referencing scheme
v)    Employ a number of strategies for examination revision

Intellectual Skills
i)    Employ a range of research skills to devise and implement a research plan
ii)   Present and interpret common forms of numerical data
 iii) Reflect on their progress and be able to document this reflection

Practical Skills
 i) Work in a team.


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Muhammad Arif Raza
Information Services Department
Riphah International University
G-7/4, Islamabad

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