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Finance is the art and science of managing capital.

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Course objectives

  1. Understand functions of finance manager.
  2. Understand the basics of finance theory as it applies to corporate financial decisions.
  3. Understand and analyze the financial statements.
  4. Be able to apply tools and techniques of time value of money for investing decisions.
  5. Understand and apply the concepts of risk and return for portfolio management.
  6. Be able to apply the principles of capital structure in the determination of the appropriate level of debt for a company.
  7. Understand the factors influencing the determination of corporate dividend policy.
  8. Be conversant with the incentives for and mechanics of issuing and retiring securities.
  9. Be able to apply the weighted average cost of capital method to value real assets.
  10. Understand the concepts and techniques of risk management

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Muhammad Arif Raza
Information Services Department Riphah International University Al Mizan Campus 274 Peshawar Road Rawalpindi:

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Course outcomes

Upon successful completion of this class, you are expected to:

  1. Understand the applications of finance theory as it applies to corporate financial decisions.
  2. Perform the analysis of financial statements.
  3. Apply the concepts of risk and return for portfolio management.
  4. Apply the principles of capital structure in the determination of the appropriate level of debt for a company.
  5. Identify the factors influencing the determination of corporate dividend policy and risk management.