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Pediatrics (MBBS): Course Outline (MBBS

Pediatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents from birth up to the age of 18. The word “paediatrics” means “healer of children”; they are derived from two Greek words: (pais = child)

Course Outline (MBBS)




List of suggested topics for teaching the undergraduates is given below, however the individual faculties can alter/add topics as per their discretion in respective institution:

1.     Common Problems of children in Pakistan and statistics of Pakistani Children.

2.     Clinical Methods in Paediatrics.

3.     Nutrition (Breast feeding, infant feeding, Weaning) and Nutritional Disorders: (PCM, Rickets, Vitamin A Deficiency, iodine deficiency, Iron Deficiency).

4.     Growth and Development.

5.     Common Paediatric infections: Measles, tetanus, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, AIDS, Malaria, Enteric Fever, Tuberculosis, Chicken pox, Common Skin infections.

6.     Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI). Newer vaccines.

7.     Diarrhoeal diseases.

8.     Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI).

  1. IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness).
  2. Neonatology: Resuscitation of new born, care of normal new-born, birth asphyxia, premature and low birth weight babies, Neonatal Jaundice, Neonatal sepsis, Neonatal fits, Respiratory distress of new born, Common skin conditions of neonates;Pyloric stenosis, Myelomeningocele, Hydrocephalus, common congenital abnormalities and Birth trauma.

11.   Neurology: Meningitis, febrile, convulsions, epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, mental handicap, Cerebral Malaria, Encephalitis

12.   Cardiology: Congenital heart diseases [VSD, PDA, TOF, ASD], Rheumatic fever. Congestive cardiac failure, Clinical assessment of a cyanotic neonate/infant.

13.   Haematology: Anaemias, Thalassemia, Leukemias, Bleeding disorders.

14.   Nephrology: Nephrotic syndrome, Urinary tract infections, Acute Glomeulonephritis.

15.   Endocrinology: Hypothyroidism, short stature, Diabetes.

16.   Pulmonology: Croup, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Pneumonias, Pleural effusions.

17.   Gastroenterology: Abdominal pain, Malabsorption, Hepatitis, cirrhosis, Acute liver failure, Diarrhoea [acut/echronic] Dysentery, Worm infestations, Giardia, amoebiasis Rectal Polyp.

18.   Genetics: Patterns of inheritance, Down’s syndrome.

19.   Social Paediatrics: Right of child, child abuse, Enuresis, encoparesis, Hyperactivity, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit disorder.

20.   Miscellaneous: Poisoning, prevention of home accidents, behavioural disorders.

21.   Paediatric Surgery: Hernia, Intussusseption, Intestinal obstruction, Tallipes, congenital Dislocation of Hip, Vesico ureteral reflux. A.


  1. Student will be able to give description of common paediatric problems and diseases, in children at different ages.
  2. Student will show an understanding of national programmes working for health promotion and disease prevention in children e.g. EPI, ARI etc.
  3. Student will show an understanding of processes of growth and development in childhood and will be able to describe growth parameters and developmental milestones at different ages.
  4. Student will demonstrate understanding of the importance of nutrition in children and be able to describe diets suitable for different ages and in different diseases
    Student will show an understanding of the interaction between heredity and environment in the genesis of disease in children.
    Student will be able to describe care of new-born baby, in health and when suffering from common problems, along with importance of perinatal factors impacting on the well being of the new-born.
    The Student will show understanding and knowledge about common accidents and poisoning in children and their management.
    1- Students will demonstrate his ability to obtain a relevant clinical history from a parent or an older child.

    2- Student will demonstrate his ability to perform adequate clinical examination of a child of any age (including new-born).

    3- Student will be able to interpret clinical and laboratory data arriving at a diagnosis.
    3- Student will be able to interpret clinical and laboratory data arriving at a diagnosis.
    4- Student will be able to advise appropriate nutritional measures for healthy and sick children (Breast feeding, avoidance of bottle, proper weaning).
  5. Student will be able to counsel the parents on health promotive and disease preventive strategies for the child e.g. immunisation procedures; hand washing)
  6.  Student will be able to recognize and manage common health problems of children. 6- Student will recognize the danger signs of disease in children and be able to appropriately refer children with severe disease to appropriate specialists/hospitals.
  7. Student will demonstrate his ability to perform essential clinical procedures relevant to children, e.g.
  8. Resuscitation of new-born.
  9. Basic cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.
  10. Anthropometric measurements.
  11. Measuring blood pressure.
  12. Starting Intravenous lines/draw blood sample.
  13. Administration of Oxygen therapy
  14.  Giving Nebulizer therapy [Bronchodilator]
  15. Use of Growth chart. pan style='box-sizing: border-box'>- Paediatric Surgery: Hernia, Intussusseption, Intestinal obstruction, Tallipes, congenital Dislocation of Hip, Vesico ureteral reflux. 

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