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Medicine (MBBS): Course Outline (FCPS)

Internal medicine or general medicine (in Commonwealth nations) is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are called internists, or physicians (without a

Course Outline

General Medicine

1. Pleural aspiration

2. Peritoneal aspiration

3. Lumbar auncture

4. Nasogastric intubation

5. Uretheral catheterization

6. Recording and reporting ECG

7. Proctoscopy

8. Endotracheal intubation

9. Insertion of CVP lines

10. Arterial puncture

11. Liver biopsy

12. Pleural biopsy

13. Joint aspiration

14. Bone marrow aspiration

15. Renal biopsy

16. Haemodialysis

17. Upper G.I. endoscopy

18. Colonoscopy

19. Bronchoscopy

20. Abdominal ultrasound

21. Exercise tolerence test

22. Echocardiography

23. CAT scan head

24. Electroencephalography (EEG )

25. Electromyography/Nerve conduction studies(EMG/NCS)

26. Chest intubation


1. Prevention of cardiac diseases

2. Coronary heart disease, Congenital heart diseases

3. Acute rheumatic fever, Rheumatic heart disease

4. Valvular heart disease

5. Infective endocarditis

6. Dizziness/syncope and palpitation

7. Arrythmias

8. Haemodynamic disturbances

9. Hypotension and shock

10. Basic life support, Advance cardiac life support

11. Heart failure

12. Myocarditis cardiomyopathies

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