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Programming Fundamentals: Course Outline


A computer program is a set of instructions for a computer to follow, just as a recipe is a set of instructions for a chef. Laptops, kitchen appliances, MP3 players, and many other electronic devices all run computer programs. Programs have been written to manipulate sound and video, write poetry, run banking systems, predict the weather, and analyze athletic performance. This course is intended for people who have never seen a computer program. It will give you a better understanding of how computer applications work and teach you how to write your own applications. More importantly, you’ll start to learn computational thinking, which is a fundamental approach to solving real-world problems. 


To acquaint the students with the fundamental concepts of structured and object oriented computer programming language such as C++ OR Java.

Text Books

Course Outline

  • Fundamental data types
  • abstract data types
  • arrays and matrices
  • records and pointers
  • linked lists
  • Introduction to Object oriented programming and software development
  • defining classes
  • selection statements
  • repetition statements
  • exceptions and assertions, arrays and collections
  • file I/O
  • inheritance and polymorphism
  • GUI and Event-driven programming.

Lab Work Outline

Programming in C++ OR Java using simple programs for basic file I/O, single-dimensional arrays, two-dimensional arrays, sorting algorithm, problem solving in object-oriented paradigm, object oriented programme design process and tools, implementation of classes and derived classes, objects and encapsulation, operator and functions overloading, inheritance and polymorphism, GUI development.

Link for useful videos