Orthopedic Surgery & Traumatology
1- Soft Tissue Injuries
2- Specific required skills Management
3- Spinal Injury (C3)
4- Fractures
1- Basic and advanced trauma life support (C3)
2- Triage of injured patients in emergency room (C3)
3- Principles of fracture classification (C3)
4- Principals of fracture treatment in children (C3)
5- Principals of fracture fixation (C3)
6- Management of common orthopaedic emergencies (C3)
7- Mal-united fractures (C3)
8- Non-unions (C3)
9- Specific required skills
5- Examination
1- Clinical Examination of injured patient (P2)
2- Record blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate peripheral pulses and capillary filling
3- Recognition of associated injuries / complications e.g. vascular, neurological, vascular compartment syndrome etc.
6- Investigations
1- Request and interpret urine and blood examination in trauma patient (CBC, ESR, Blood Urea and Sugar etc. - P2)
2- interpret X-ray of limbs with clear fractures and dislocations (C2);
3- Request and interpret reports of ultrasound, CT, MRI scans (P2)
7- Management
1- Provide first aid to a person with bone injury like common sprains, fractures and dislocations (immobilization of body part) resuscitation of injured patient.
2- Apply dressings, splints, plasters and other immobilization techniques in fracture patients in emergency (P4);
3- Maintain clear airway of patient (P3)
4- Reductions and observation of surgical fixations (P1)
5- Internal and external fixation of fractures (plates, nails, others)(P1)
6- Manipulation and application of plaster of Paris cast/back slab (P2)
7- Use of external fixators in treatment of open fractures (P2)
8- Application of traction skin/skeletal (P2)