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Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology (MBBS): Course Outline

Orthopedics is the field of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of the musculosketetal system, particularly the spine, joints, and muscles. Orthopedics mainly deals with correction of disorders and deformities related to the musculosketal syst

Course Outline

Orthopedic Surgery & Traumatology

1- Soft Tissue Injuries

  1. Sprains / ruptures of Muscles, Ligaments, tendons (C3)
  2. Nerve Injuries (C3)
  3. Arterial Injuries (C3)
  4. Clean / contaminated wounds (C3)

2- Specific required skills   Management

  1. application of cold and compression dressings on sprains of ligaments and tendons (P3)
  2. repair procedures for Nerve and Vessel Injuries (P1)
  3. dressing of Surgical Wounds postoperatively (P3)
  4. debridement (P2)
  5. wound cleaning / washing (P2)
  6. application and removal of wound stitches (P2)
  7. aseptic dressing (P2)

3- Spinal Injury (C3)

  1. Soft tissue injuries (sprains, strains etc.)
  2. Fractures (stable, unstable)
  3. Neurological Damage (partial, complete)
  4. Paraplegia (C3)
  5. Specific required Skills
  6. application of cervical collar (P2)
  7. cervical traction (P1) application of lumbosacral corset (P2) internal fixation of spinal fracture (P1) og rolling
    prevention of bed sores bladder care / catheter care rehabilitation

4- Fractures
      1-  Basic and advanced trauma life support (C3)
      2-  Triage of injured patients in emergency room (C3)
      3-  Principles of fracture classification (C3)
      4-  Principals of fracture treatment in children (C3)
      5-  Principals of fracture fixation (C3)
      6-  Management of common orthopaedic emergencies (C3)
      7-  Mal-united fractures (C3)
      8-  Non-unions (C3)
      9-  Specific required skills

5- Examination
       1- Clinical Examination of injured patient (P2)
       2- Record blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate peripheral pulses and capillary filling
        3- Recognition of associated injuries / complications e.g. vascular, neurological, vascular compartment syndrome etc.

6-  Investigations
        1- Request and interpret urine and blood examination in trauma patient (CBC, ESR, Blood Urea and Sugar etc. - P2)
        2- interpret X-ray of limbs with clear fractures and dislocations (C2);
        3- Request and interpret reports of ultrasound, CT, MRI scans (P2)

7- Management
       1- Provide first aid to a person with bone injury like common sprains, fractures and dislocations (immobilization of body part) resuscitation of injured patient.
       2-  Apply dressings, splints, plasters and other immobilization techniques in fracture patients in emergency (P4);
       3- Maintain clear airway of patient (P3)
       4- Reductions and observation of surgical fixations (P1)
      5- Internal and external fixation of fractures (plates, nails, others)(P1)
      6- Manipulation and application of plaster of Paris cast/back slab (P2)
      7- Use of external fixators in treatment of open fractures (P2)
      8- Application of traction skin/skeletal (P2)



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