25. Define learning, Principles of learning, modern methods and styles of learning, types of learners, cognitive theory of learning and its use in enhancing learning
26. Define and classify stress and stressors
27. Relationship of stress and stressors with illness
28. Concept of life events and their relationship with stress and illness
29. What are coping skills?
30. What is psychological defense mechanism?
31. What is concept of adjustment and maladjustment?
32. Collecting data on psychosocial factors in Medicine/Surgery/ Reproductive Health/Paediatrics and other general health conditions
33. Define types of interview and listening
34. Skills of interviewing and listening
35. Discuss the doctor-patient relationship.
36. What is the concept of boundaries and psychological reactions in doctor patient relationship (such as transference and counter transference)
37. What is the concept of medical/dental ethics? Common ethical dilemmas in doctor-patient relations, interaction with families, teachers, colleagues, pharmaceutical industry
38. Attitude, value, belief, myths, social class, stigma, sick role and illness, health belief models
Grief and bereavement, Family and illness, Dealing with difficult patients
Symptoms presentation and culture.
39. Illness and Behaviour (sick-roles, stigma, Somatisation)
40. Treatment Adherence (Compliance)
41. What are the psychosocial aspects of illness, hospitalization, rape,torture, terminal illness, death
42. Breaking bad news: Introduction, Models, Methods, Death of the patient, abnormal baby, intractable illness
43. Psychosocial correlates of hospitalization, illness behavior
44. Psychosocial issues in Emergency Departments, Intensive Care and Coronary Care Units, Operating Theatres, Cancer wards,
Transplant Units, Anaesthesia
45. Psychological influences on sleep and consciousness ,methods of inducing sleep, changes in consciousness
46. Principles of effective communication, active listening, the art of questioning, the art of listening.
47. Good and bad listener. Counselling: Scope, Indications and Contraindications, Steps, Do‟s and Don‟ts, How to deal with real crisis and conflict situations in health settings
48. Informational Care: A practical method of communication between the doctor and patient.