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Augmentative and alternative communication: Videos

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an umbrella term that encompasses the communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language.

What is AAC? Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Title : What is AAC? Augmentative and Alternative Communication

 Duration :07 Minutes 45 seconds

Language : English

Duration : 07 Minutes 45 Seconds

This documentary is prepared on the topic of Speech Language and Pathology. AAC stands for augmentative and alternative communication. AAC is a way for individuals to communicate when they do not have the physical ability to use verbal speech or writing. AAC systems are designed to help people express their thoughts, needs and ideas. AAC is used by those with a wide range of speech and language impairments due to conditions such cerebral palsy, autism, spinal muscular atrophy and head injuries.



Introduction to Augmentative & Alternative Communication

Title : Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Language : English

Duration : 1 hour 59 Seconds

This is an online training, sponsored by the non-profit Utah Assistive Technology Program .Andrus provides an overview of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) including who needs it, what devices are available, how to use them and how to get funding for them. For Utahns with disabilities, Utah field professionals, and Utah caregivers interested in more information on this topic including funding, contact the Utah Assistive Technology Program (


Basics of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

Title : Basics of ACC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

Duration :15 Minutes 38 Seconds

Language : English

Oklahoma ABLE Tech's the "Basics of AAC" defines AAC, or Augmentative and Alternative Communication, and includes low-, mid-, and high-tech solutions for people who have difficulty using speech to communicate. The video explains how everyone has a different way(s) of communicating whether it's speaking, signing, using body language or eye gaze, writing, or using a speech-generating device, and that sometimes people use behaviors to communicate when other methods don't seem to work.

What is AAC? Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Introduction to Augmentative & Alternative Communication