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Riphah International University
Survival Analysis
Course Outline
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Survival Analysis: Course Outline
Estimate the (grouped or smoothed) instantaneous mortality or hazard rate. Compare two or more survival curves using a log-rank or related test.
Course Outline
Course Outline
Survival data.
Basic distribution theory.
Survival function.
Hazard function.
Special distributions.
Extreme value.
Gamma and log logistic distributions with special reference to survival analysis.
ML inference for parametric model with single sample.
Non-Parametric estimation of survival function.
Life table method.
Product-limit method.
Diagnostic plots.
K-sample non-parametric tests.
Modeling dependence on covariates.
Proportional hazard model.
Weibull model.
Accelerated life models.
Log logistic model.
Graphical methods for checking models.
Inference for semi-parametric proportional hazards model.
Time-dependent covariates.
Grouped survival times.
Several types of failure.
Text Book
Survival analysis techniques for censored and truncated data
by Klein, John P. | Melvin L. Moeschberger
Edition statement:2nd ed.
Published by : Springer (New York)
ISBN: 038795399X (hb).
E-Books (Full Text)
Survival Analysis
by Moeschberger, Melvin L.
Klein, John P.
Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated
ISBN- 9781475727289
Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis
by Couallier, Vincent
Gerville-Réache, Léo
Huber, Catherine
Revenue Management and Survival Analysis in the Automobile Industry
by Jerenz, André
ISBN- 9783834998408
Survival and Event History Analysis : A Process Point of View
by Gail, M.
Krickeberg, K.
Samet, J.
E-Books (Full Text)
Macrofoundations of Political Economy and Development : Survival Conditions Analysis
by Goalstone, David
E-Book ISBN: 9780230604315
Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics : Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis
by Lee, Elisa T.
Wang, John Wenyu
Statistical Aspects of the Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials, Revised Edition
by Everitt, Brian S
Pickles, Andrew
ISBN: 9781860945441
Proportional Hazards Regression
by O'Quigley, John
ISBN: 9780387686394
Data Mining Techniques : For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management (3rd Edition)
by Berry, Michael J.
Linoff, Gordon S.
ISBN: 9781118087503
Statistical Modeling for Biomedical Researchers : A Simple Introduction to the Analysis of Complex Data
by Dupont, William D.
ISBN: 9781139146098
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