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Introduction to Information Technology: Course Outline

This course will provide hands on experience to students in the use of computers as a productivity and learning tool.

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Course Content

  Introduction to Computer                                                                                                                                                                        

  • Brief history of computers
  • Types of computers
  • Why are computers so important
  • Looking inside the machine
  • Software brings the machine of life
  • The shapes of computers today 


Processing Sing Data

                        1. Transforming data into information

  • How computers represent data
  • Bits and Bytes
  • Text Codes

                  2. Number Systems

  • Binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal number systems
  • Inter-conversations between various number systems

                  3. How a computer processes data

  • The CPU
  • Memory 

                  4. Factors affecting processing speed

  • Parallel processing 

Interacting  with Your Computer

  1. Input and output devices
  2. Connecting Input/Output devices to the computer
  3. Serial and parallel ports
  4. Storing information in a Computer
  • Magnetic Storage Devices
  • Diskette drivers
  • How data is organized on a disk
  • Hard disks
  • Tap drivers
  • Optical storage devices
  • CD-Rom 

The Operating  System and User Interface

1. What is an operating system

2. The user interface

  • Parts of interface

3. Becoming familiar with the interface

4. The command line interface

5. Running programs

  • Sharing information
  • Multitasking

6. Managing files

7. Magnetic Hardware

  • Processing interrupts
  • Drivers
  • Networking

8. Enhancing the operating system with utility software

  • File defragmentation
  • Data compression
  • Backup software
  • Data recovery software
  • Antivirus utilities screen savers 

Strong Data 

  1. Types of storage devices
  2. Magnetic storage devices
  • How  data is stored  on a disk
  • How data is organized on a disk

       3.  Optical storage devices

       4.  Recordable optical technologies. 

MS- Word

  • Introduction to Word Processing,
  •  Inserting, deleting text, save and exit file, open and close file, copy and paste text. Find and replace contents, bold, underline, italic, font and font size, paragraph settings, bullets and numbering, border and shading, columns, tab setting, change case, header and footer,
  • Print preview and print, insert page, page break, date and time, spelling and grammar, mail merge, tables, insert/delete column and row.

MS- Excel

  • Introduction to spreadsheets
  •  Inserting data in a worksheet, save and exit file, open and close, cut copy and paste the data, formatting, cell, column, bold, italic, underline, font and font size, borders.
  • Formula writing, print preview and print, insert: cell, row, column, pictures, fill and filter data, generating charts, spell checker, find and replace.

MS- PowerPoint

  • Creating a basic presentation, building presentation, modifying visual elements, formatting and checking text, inserting objects, applying transitions. Preparing handouts and slides for display.

MS- Access

Introduction to database, designing database files, commands in database, working with file, brows and edit, sort, indexing and filter printing and reporting, set command and functions, data importing and exporting, link with the files.

  • Terminal Exam 

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