- Course Content:
Theories of physholocial land cognitive development:
- Jean Paiget,s Cognitive
- Lev Vygotsky’s Cognitive Development Theory
- Erikson’s stages of psycholocial development
- Moral development – Kohlberg’s theory
- Self-esteem and self-control
Behavioral Psychology
- Classical conditioning (Pavlov), Thorndike’ theories and Operant conditioning (Skinner)
- Behavioral theories of learning and teaching
Cognitive Psychology and knowledge construction
- Construction of knowledge (meaningful learning, constructivism, discovery learning)
- Jerome Bruner’s modes of representation and its implications for instructions
- Meaningful Learning and Schema Theory (Ausbel’s Meaningful Reception learning, role of schema in learning, activating prior knowledge,)
- Information Procession Theory and its implications for instructions
Thinking skills
- Critical and creative thinking
- Formation of attitudes, perceptions
- Metacognition and emotional intelligence
- Problem solving
- Transferring skills
Learning and motivation
- Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy
- Attribution Theory (Weiner)
- Skinner and the use of reinforcers to increase motivation
- Albert Bandura’s SocailCoginive Theory
- Positive Learning Environment (Motivation and Classroom Management)
- Multiple intelligences
- Learning Styles