Introduction: Interaction of Radiation with Matter, Scattered & absorbed Radiation, spatial image formation.
Imaging Transducers: Various transducers used in medical imaging systems.
Imaging development: X-ray Film, Fluoroscopic imaging, Digital Imaging System, X-ray imaging, Film-less radiographic imaging, CT imaging, Emission Tomography imaging, Nuclear imaging, MR Imaging, Functional MRI imaging , Advance imaging modalities like PET and SPECT. Emerging areas in medical imaging.
Ultrasound Imaging: Ultrasonic imaging, Doppler Imaging, software based estimations and measurement in ultrasonic imaging. Planar and Volumetric analysis techniques.
Medical imaging software: Algorithms, techniques, imaging archival and management. Molecular imaging and other advance biomedical imaging techniques and their image manipulation.
Quality Assurance and Control in Medical Imaging Equipment: Quality assurance of medical imaging, Evaluation of imaging parameter and related equipment calibration, Diagnostic values, Statistical performance measures.
The main aim of this course in bio-medical engineering is to let the student know the basic physical principles involved in all imaging techniques. The object is to let the student understand the operation, construction and function of each imaging equipment.