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Atomic and Molecular Physics: Course Outline (PHY 4102)

Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (AMO) is the study of matter-matter and light-matter interactions; at the scale of one or a few atoms and energy scales around several electron volts. :1356. The three areas are closely interrelated.


To provide an introduction to the structure and spectra of atoms and molecules and to prepare students for more advanced courses on Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Photons

Course Outline

Structure of Atoms 

Review of Bohr’s theory, Sommerfeld model, Frank Hertz experiment and approximation methods.

One Electron System

Review of Schrodinger equation for hydrogen atom, Fermi Golden rule, Quantum numbers, Atoms in radiation field, Radiative transitions, Einstein coefficients, Selection rules, normal Zeeman effect, Stark effect, Hyperfine structure.

Many body Systems 

Pauli exclusion principle, Periodic system of the elemments, Stern Gerlach experiment, Spin orbit coupling, Central field approximation, Hartree Fock methods and self consistent field, Thomas Fermi potential, LS coupling, jj coupling and other type of coupling, X-ray spectra.

Interaction with field 

Many electron atoms in an electromagnetic field, Anomalous Zeeman effect, Paschen back effect, Stark effect.


Ionic and covalent bonding, Diatomic molecules-rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra; Born Oppenhimer approximation, Transition probabilities of diatomic molecules, electron spin and Hund’s cases, Polyatomic molecules (brief introduction), Raman effect, Hydrogen Molecular ion (LCAO approximation), Hydrogen molecule (Heitler London and molecular orbital theories)

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Course Outline

  • Bragg reflection and the neutron spectrometer. 
  • Neutron and atom interferometers.
  • Application of particle waves.
  • Matter waves and wave functions. 
  • Wave packets.
  • The statistical interpretation of wave functions. 
  • Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
  • Dispersion of the wave packet.
  • Uncertainty relation for energy and time. 
  • The quantum structure of atoms.
  • Atomic spectra.
  • Bohr’s atomic model. 
  • The stability of atoms. 
  • Franck–Hertz experiment. 
  • What are the differences between classical and quantum physics?
  • Classical particle paths versus probability densities in quantum physics. 
  • Interference phenomena with light waves and matter waves.
  • The effect of the measuring process.
  • The importance of quantum physics for our concept of nature.
  • Basic concepts of quantum mechanics.
  • The Schrödinger equation.
  • Some examples, The free particle. 
  • Potential barrier.
  • Tunnel effect.
  • Particle in a potential box. 
  • Harmonic oscillator.
  • Two-and three-dimensional problems. 
  • Particle in a two-dimensional box.
  • Particle in a spherically symmetric potential. 
  • Expectation values and operators.
  • Operators and Eigen values.
  • Angular momentum in quantum mechanics.
  • The hydrogen atom.
  • Schrödinger equation for one-electron systems. 
  • Separation of the center of mass and relative motion. 
  • Solution of the radial equation.
  • Quantum Numbers and wave functions of the H atom. 
  • Spatial distributions and expectation values of the electron in different quantum states.
  • The normal Zeeman effect.
  • Comparison of Schrödinger theory with experimental results. 
  • Relativistic correction of energy terms.
  • The Stern–Gerlach experiment.
  • Electron Spin.
  • Einstein–De Haas Effect. 
  • Spin-orbit coupling and fine structure. 
  • Anomalous Zeeman Effect.
  • Hyperfine structure.
  • Basic considerations. 
  • Fermi-contact interaction. 
  • Magnetic dipole-dipole interaction. 
  • Zeeman Effect of hyperfine structure levels. 
  • Complete description of the Hydrogen atom. 
  • Total wave function and quantum numbers.
  • Term assignment and level scheme.
  • Lamb shift.
  • Correspondence principle. 
  • The electron model and its problems.

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