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Particle Physics: Course Outline

Particle physics is the study of the basic elements of matter and the forcesacting among them.

Text Book


Course Outline (PHY-513)

A Review of Particle Physics: Fundamental forces, Quarks and color, Weak interactions, Natural units.

Symmetries: Symmetries and conservation laws, Noether's theorem Parity, Charge conjugation, CP violation. Symmetries and groups, Group SU(2), Isospin, Group SU(3), Strangeness, Mesons, Baryons, Magnetic moments, Heavy quarks, Charm and beyond, Hadron masses, Color factors.

Relativistic Kinematics: Lorentz transformations, Four-vectors, Energy and momentum, Mandelstam variables.

Introduction to QED: The Klein-Gordon equation, Dirac's interpretation of negative energy solutions, Feynman-Stuckelberg interpretation of negative energy solutions, The Dirac equation, Covariant form of Dirac equation, Continuity equation for Dirac equation, Free-Particle solution of Dirac equation, Normalization of spinors and the completeness relations, Trace theorems and properties of γ matrices.

Gauge Symmetries: U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) gauge transformations, Transformation law for Aμ, Lagrangian density of a free particle, Invariance of a theory under global gauge transformations, Lagrangian density and local U(1) gauge transformations, Lagrangian density and non-abelian continuous group of local gauge transformations.

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