Introduction: Definition of plasma physics, Occurrence of plasmas in nature, Concept of temperature, Debye shielding, Plasma parameters, Criteria for plasma.
Single Particle Motions: Introduction, Uniform E and B fields, Non uniform E and B fields, Time varying E and B fields, Adiabatic invariants.
Plasmas as Fluids: Introduction, Relation of plasma physics to ordinary electromagnetics, Fluid equation of motion, Fluid drifts perpendicular and parallel to B, Plasma approximation.
Waves in Plasmas: Representation of waves, Group velocity, Plasma oscillations, Electron plasma waves, Ion waves, Electromagnetic waves with Bo = 0, Experimental applications, Electromagnetic waves perpendicular to Bo, Cut offs and resonances, Electromagnetic waves parallel to Bo Experimental consequences, Hydromagnetic waves, CMA diagram.
Applications to Space Physics: Solar physics, Solar wind, Magnetospheres, Ionospheres.
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