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Urban and regional planning for long term disaster management: Course Outline (MSDM)

Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

Course Outline

Relevance of this course

  • This course is designed to help you make better decisions about the future of your city
  • NOT a course to make you a professional planner
  • Provide a general view and understanding that will make the rest of the course useful and interesting
  • First Parts are the basic core about the use of planning and planners in shaping the city and the region
  • Other modules go into more detail about specific aspects and issues in planning-- build on the basic core of understanding in this course
  • •Major aim of planning is to make society a better place to live and work especially for cities and towns
  • Yet this is lacking in most cities, particularly those in the developing world
  • URP can be an effective regulatory tool in balancing economic, social and environmental needs arising from both local and global interests

Course contents

  1. Introduction to urbanism/urbanization
  2. History of urban planning
  3. Urban planning process
  4. Urban problems
  5. Physical planning and concept
  6. Planning law
  7. Land-use models
  8. Land-use & planning(environmentally)
  9. Modern town planning/concept
  10. Building construction/climate & environmental consideration in building
  11. Pakistan building code 2007
  12. Pakistan national conservation strategy
  13. Relationship between disaster management & urban planning
  14. Community base risk reduction/management
  15. Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction in to development process in pakistan
  16. Smart growth
  17. Resilient  cities
  18. Toolkit for resilient cities
  19. Regenerative design
  20. Living machines- eco cities
  21. Green- urbanism