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Islamic Leadership and Management: Course Outline (MS MGT and MBA)

The process of dealing with or controlling things or people

Course Outline

The course aims not only to introduce the student to the conventional concepts of management and leadership but also to enable to students to broaden their understanding by introducing the concepts of Islamic management and leadership. At the end of the semester, students should be able to identify and explain the important concepts in management and leadership as well as to understand the need for an authentic Islamic approach to these subjects. The course is organised logically, taking the student through explanations of what management is and how it is applied, and through the specifics of how it differs from leadership. Specifically the course introduces the distinguished concepts of Islamic management and leadership along with their ontological roots. At the end of the course students should be able to use such foundational concepts to understand how Islamic theory can be put to practice in the workplace.

The course will be taught over sixteen weeks with a three hour session each week. This session will be made up of approximately two hours lecture time followed by one hour seminar. The seminar will be predominantly a student led discussion on a particular topic or issue which may be in the form of a case study previously communicated to the class or an interesting question which arises during the lecture.

Students are expected to come to class prepared, engage in discussions, ask and answer questions, and become an active member of the class. The textbook is the minimum required reading. In addition, proper student preparation will also require locating and reading other relevant texts and applications oriented material (such as academic journals, periodicals, books etc.) on a continuous basis.

Your course grade will be based on one mid-term examination (30%), a sessional exercise (20%) and a comprehensive final examination (50%). Attendance is taken very seriously and a minimum of 75% is required in order to be able to sit the exams.


Topics Covered with details

Learning Outcomes


Introduction to the course

Understand meanings of ontology and epistemology

Understand how systems are built upon beliefs and values

Understand relationship of knowledge, values, norms and laws

Recognise the foundations of Islamic view of the human being

Know the reason for studying Islamic management and leadership

Course outline

Aims and objectives

Understanding frameworks

Ontology and epistemology

Recognising the hegemony of modern thought

Norms, values and assumptions

Islamic world view

Deconstructing the modern

Rediscovering the foundations of Islamic thought

Human being as creation

Human being as spiritual and material

Human being as Khalifah

Human life stages

Human being as accountable

Why study Islamic leadership and Management?

The need for indigenous knowledge production


Managers and the Management Process

Tell who managers are

and where they work

Describe the functions, roles, and skills of a manager

Explain the value of studying management

What Does It Mean to Be a Manager?

Who are managers and where do they work?

Organisations have different types and levels of managers

What Do Managers Do and What Skills Do They Use?

Managers plan, organise, lead, and control

Informational, interpersonal, and decisional roles

Managers use a variety of skills

Management Theories

Know the classical management theories

Understand how management theories have developed in modern thought

Know about some of the latest theoretical approaches to management

Classical Management Approaches

Taylor’s scientific management

Weber’s bureaucratic organisation

Fayol’s administrative principles

Behavioural Management Approaches

Follett and organisations as communities

The Hawthorne studies

Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs

McGregor and self-fulfilling prophecies

Modern Management Thinking

Quantitative analysis to solve complex problems

Organisations as open systems

Contingency thinking

Quality management

Evidence-based management




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