Historical Review: Blackbody radiation, The photoelectric effect, A quantum theory of atomic states, Waves versus particles, The de Broglie Hypothesis and the Davisson-Germer Experiment, Uncertainty as a Cornerstone of natural Law, Probability waves.
The wave function: The Schrödinger equation, Statistical interpretation, Probability, Normalization, Momentum, The uncertainty relation.
The time independent Schrodinger equation: Stationary states, The infinite square well, The harmonic oscillator, The free particle, The delta-function potential, The finite square well, The scattering matrix.
Quantum mechanics formulism: Linear Algebra, Function spaces, The generalized statistical interpretation, The uncertainty principle.
Quantum mechanics in three dimensions: Schrodinger equation in spherical coordinates, The hydrogen atom, Angular momentum, Spin.
Identical Particles: Two-particle systems, Atoms, Solids, Quantum statistical mechanics.