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Introducing to Language: Home

The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way moreover system of communication used by a particular country or community called language.

Study's Significance

To introduce the current ways in which sounds, words and sentences are analyzed

To introduce students to modern linguistic approaches to the study of phonology, sentence and semantics

To familiarize students with language acquisition and the role of psychology

To introduce students to the relationship between language, culture and society

Study's level


Media center

Rational of the course

RATIONALE: In the twenty-first century, the study of English language holds value equal to the study of English literature. This course will introduce students to various components of Linguistics like phonetics and semantics


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Muhammad Arif Raza
Information Services Department Riphah International University Al Mizan Campus 274 Peshawar Road Rawalpindi:

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