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Romantic Poetry: Home

Romantic poetry is the poetry of the Romantic era, an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century.

Objectives of the study

To introduce the development of English poetry in the early 19th century in relation to themes and techniques

To impart a vivid knowledge of the attributes that constitute the Romantic movement in poetry

To acquaint the students with the difference between Classicism and Romanticism

To develop the perception and analysis of the subtle variations in the Romanticism of major Romantic poets

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Significance of the course

RATIONALE: Romantic poetry marks a departure from the preceding poetic tradition. This paper is designed to highlight the factors which led to this breakup.


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Muhammad Arif Raza
Information Services Department Riphah International University Al Mizan Campus 274 Peshawar Road Rawalpindi:

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