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Morphology, Syntax and Semantics: Home

Morphology belongs to forms and words, syntax relate to clauses and sentences and semantics are meanings of various kinds.

Significance of the course

The subject of Morphology and Syntax takes student inside the genetics of language so much essential for text study, text analysis and future research in indigenous languages. Students are expected to concentrate the on the matrix of language in order to understand the mechanism of languages in general and that of English in particular.

study objectives

To demonstrate the principles by which parts of words are organized into larger units (inflectional morphology and word formation), and by which words are patterned into phrases and sentences (syntax)

To equip students with a sound analytical knowledge of key areas of English Grammar.

To stimulate interest in English Grammar as an object of intellectual inquiry, rather than as a set of rules to be learnt

To provide basic introduction to semantics, a key component of modern Linguistics. No prior knowledge of semantics is required

Topics include basic notions of predicate and modifier and of compositional meaning, the semantics of different types of noun phrases, natural language quantifiers, generalized quantifier theory, scope and anaphora, tense, aspect and modality

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