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Research Methods: Course Outline(Apsy-407)

Research methodology is a term that basically means the science of how research is done scientifically. It is a way to systematically and logically solve a problem, help us understand the process not just the product of research, and analyzes methods in a

Course Outline

Unit 1

Introduction to Scientific Methods and Research

Science and Scientific Methods

Characteristics, assumptions and goals of scientific methods

Classification of research: Basic & Applied research, Qualitative & Quantities research

Steps in Psychological research

Unit 2

Ethiics in research

APA guidelines for ethical research with Human beings and animals.

Ethical Issues (freedom of choice, privacy and confidentiality, deception, debriefing and risk benefit ratio)

Critical review of Milgram, Ash and Zimbardo studies; ethical violations in these studies

Unit 3

Variables and Hypotheses

Concepts, constructs and variables

Operational definition of variables

Research problem and its characteristics

Hypothesis, criteria and formulation of hypothesis

Review of literature, role of theory in research.

Research Designs

Course Outline

Unit 4

Sample and Sampling Strategies

Probability and Non-probability techniques

Unit 5


Observational/Naturalistic Research Designs

Survey Research Design

Unit 6


Unobtrusive/Archival Research

True Experimental design

Unit 7

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Summarizing the data using descriptive statistics using SPSS

Hypothesis testing by using inferential statistics

Analyzing and interpreting the research findings

Unit 8

Writing a Research Report

Guidelines for writing research report

Steps in research report writing

How to write a research proposal

Thesis and Journal format

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