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English ( Nursing): English VIII

Course Outline

Unit I:     Writing For Research Report

Unit Description:

This unit has been designed to provide guidelines to the learners for writing publishable articles in national newspapers / magazines / journals.

Unit Objectives:

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. know the rights and responsibilities of a prospective writer
  2. identify different genres of writing when writing for publications
  3. write an article of publishable quality
Unit II          Abstract Writing Unit Description:

This unit has been designed to make learners review and develop abstracts of professional, and publishable quality.

Unit Objectives:

By the end of the unit students will be able to:

  1. Know the purpose of writing abstracts
  2. Identify and understand different types of abstracts
  3. Write good quality abstracts

Unit III: Public Speaking

Unit Description:

This unit of the course aims to enhance the public speaking skills focusing on the selection of appropriate content, the use of appropriate intonation, verbal and non verbal communication skills, and specific language used in making presentations.

Unit Objectives:

By the end of the unit students will be able to:

  1. Select content in accordance to the audience
  2. Understand and practice the required intonation
  3. Focus on the importance of proper posture and body language
  4. Deliver the content using effective strategies
Unit IV        Poster Présentation Unit Description:

This unit has been designed to provide difference between presentation and poster presentation keeping in view the selection of the topic content, graphics and layout

Unit Objectives:

By the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Understand the advantages of poster presentation
  2. Understand    the    difference    between    presentation    and    poster presentation
  3. Design effective posters