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Mathematics: Online Resources

The course is designed to polish the numerical calculation skills of the students so as to develop basis of the statistics. In addition, it will also strengthen their skills to utilize later in selection test such GRE and GAT general.




JSTOR currently includes more than 2,000 academic journals, dating back to the first volume ever published, along with thousands of monographs and other materials relevant for education. We have digitized more than 50 million pages and continue to digitize approximately 3 million pages annually. Our activities, our fee structure, and the way we manage the service and its resources reflect our historical commitment to serve colleges and universities as a trusted digital archive, and our responsibility to publishers as stewards of their content. This underlying philosophy at JSTOR remains the core of our service even as we continue to seek ways to expand access to people beyond academic institutions


Wiley Online Libaray

Wiley-Interscience is an STM (Science, technology, and Medicine) and SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities) publisher. Introduced in 1997, Wiley InterScience is a leading international resource for scientific, technical, medical and scholarly content. In June 2008, Wiley InterScience incorporated the online content formerly hosted on Blackwell Synergy to provide access across 1,234 journals in science, technology, medicine, humanities and social sciences.

Springer Link

Springer Publishing is an American publishing company of academic journals and books, focusing on the fields of nursing, gerontology, psychology, social work, counseling, public health, and rehabilitation (neuropsychology). It was established in 1950 by Bernhard Springer, a great grandson of Julius Springer and is based on the 15th floor of the Salmon Tower in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Access to 432 full text journals from computer science, mathematics, engineering, geosciences.



Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
INFORMS publishes 11 scholarly journals, including a journal for the practice of OR/MS (Interfaces), as well as an on-line open access journal (INFORMS Transactions on Education).

Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis have been publishing academic research since 1798 and on an open access basis since 2006. We offer a broad range of author options, enabling authors to publish their material in quality open access journals with a high degree of peer review integrity.
