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Mathematics (Nursing): Course Outline


​​​​​​​MATHEMATICS I (ALGEBRA) Prerequisite (s): Mathematics at secondary level

Specific Objectives of the Course: To prepare the students, not majoring in mathematics, with the essential tools of algebra to apply the concepts and the techniques in their respective disciplines.

Course Outline:

Preliminaries: Real-number system, complex numbers, introduction to sets, set operations, functions, types of functions.

Matrices: Introduction to matrices, types, matrix inverse, determinants, system of linear equations, Cramer’s rule.

Quadratic Equations: Solution of quadratic equations, qualitative analysis of roots of a quadratic equations, equations reducible to quadratic equations, cube roots of unity, relation between roots and coefficients of quadratic equations.

Sequences and Series: Arithmetic progression, geometric progression, harmonic progression. Binomial.

Theorem: Introduction to mathematical induction, binomial theorem with rational and irrational indices.

Trigonometry: Fundamentals of trigonometry, trigonometric identities.


​​​​​​Prerequisite (s): Mathematics I (Algebra)

Specific Objectives of the Course: To prepare the students, not majoring in mathematics, with the essential tools of calculus to apply the concepts and the techniques in their respective disciplines.

Course Outline:

Preliminaries: Real-number line, functions and their graphs, solution of equations involving absolute values, inequalities. Limits and Continuity: Limit of a function, left-hand and right-hand limits, continuity, continuous functions.

Derivatives and their Applications: Differentiable functions, differentiation of polynomial, rational and transcendental functions, derivatives.

Integration and Definite Integrals: Techniques of evaluating indefinite integrals, integration by substitution, integration by parts, change of variables in indefinite integrals.



MATHEMATICS III (GEOMETRY) Prerequisite (s): Mathematics II (Calculus)

Specific Objectives of the Course: To prepare the students, not majoring in mathematics, with the essential tools of geometry to apply the concepts and the techniques in their respective disciplines.

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