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Culture, Health & Society (Nursing): Course Outline

This course introduces learners to human interaction and its impact on individual and group behavior. It also introduces learners to the field of socio-cultural anthropology. It focuses on the exploration of values, beliefs and practices related to health

Course Description

This course introduces learners to human interaction and its impact on individual and group behavior. It also introduces learners to the field of socio-cultural anthropology. It focuses on the exploration of values, beliefs and practices related to health and illness in general and among specific groups of people in Pakistan. The focus is on analysis of the inter relatedness of culture, society and health care delivery in Pakistan. The course promotes the exploration of trans-cultural nursing concepts, which will be promoted in the clinical setting.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course learners will be able to:

  1. Identify the units of social structure and their function.
  2. Describe the structure and patterns of groups.
  3. Discuss the role of members of a society.
  4. Explain the social development of Pakistan.
  5. Explore the relationship between culture, society and health
  6. Analyze health-related knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices of various socio- cultural groups in Pakistan
  7. Appreciate the role of society and culture in recognizing health system utilization
  8. Discuss the application of trans-cultural nursing concepts when providing nursing care to clients.
  9. Discuss relevant social issues and suggest methods to facilitate change where necessary

Unit I

  Introduction to Socio Cultural and Anthropological Concepts

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Discuss Sociology as a science, its knowledge and methods.
  2. Discuss the importance of socio cultural anthropology and its relation to health
  3. Explain the concept of culture
  4. Explain the concept of society at micro and macro levels

Unit II

ntroduction to Socio Cultural and Anthropological Concepts

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Discuss Sociology as a science, its knowledge and methods.
  2. Discuss the importance of socio cultural anthropology and its relation to health
  3. Explain the concept of culture
  4. Explain the concept of society at micro and macro levels

Unit III

 Culture and Health Behaviour/Socialization

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Explain   the   effects   of   culture   on   illness,   cultural   shock,   and maladjustment.
  2. Describe Sickness and sick role, Birth and Death.
  3. Discuss   the   Cultural   variations in  symptoms.    How do the sick behave?
  4. Review the concept of Compliance in different cultures
  5. Describe the Food taboos in different cultures.
  6. Define    Behavior    in-groups:    status,    deviance,    alienation,    and socialization.


Pakistani Society/Pakistan A Cultural Perspective/ Briefing on Group

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Discuss the origin and development of Pakistani Society.
  2. Describe the structural changes taking place.
  3. Discuss the characteristics of Primary units of social life in Pakistan.
  4. Explain the Social norms and mores.
  5. Describe the Culture in Pakistan.
  6. Review Traits, norms, mores, and folkways of the following regions of Pakistan.
    • Northern areas.
    • N.W.F.P
    • Punjab
    • Sindh
    • Balochistan


 Concepts and Perceptions of Health, Illness, and Disease/Healing System

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Describe the concepts of health, illness and disease
  2. Discuss perceptions of health and illness in different societies and cultures
  3. Discuss health and disease as a product of social behaviour
  4. Differentiate between the different healing systems and practitioners
  5. Describe basic principles of Eastern and Western medicine
  6. Identify issues of integration of traditional healing practices and modern medicine


 Population and Demography

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Describe the Demography - study the population of Pakistan.
  2. Discuss the Population pyramid
  3. Analyze the phenomena of Urbanization and migration.


Trans Cultural Nursing Concepts and Assessment

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Describe concept of trans-cultural nursing
    • Explain key concepts related to trans-cultural nursing
    • Identify the components of cultural assessment
  2. Integrate concepts of trans-cultural nursing care throughout the life span
  3. Identify nursing frameworks and theories applicable to trans- cultural nursing
    • Examine culturally related issues across the life span
    • Explore the role of family and cultural practices related to the developmental stages


Special Issues in the Delivery of Trans Cultural Nursing Care

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Assess cultural specific aspects of pain experience
    • Discuss various treatments for pain (home remedies)
  2. Explore dietary beliefs and practices of clients from different cultures
    • Identify strategies to facilitate dietary change
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of health maintenance and disease prevention models
    • Utilize health belief model in client care
    • Identify reasons for non adherence to treatment
    • Explore religious beliefs and practices related to prevention and healing in illness
  4. Demonstrate an understanding regarding attitudes of society towards stigmatized diseases
    • Discuss societal knowledge regarding infectious diseases
    • Discuss societal attitudes towards infectious diseases
    • Share ways of enhancing acceptance of individuals with stigmatized diseases
  5. Describe spirituality and its relationship with health and illness
    • Differentiate between healing and cure
    • Identify different methods of spiritual healing


 Societal Perceptions towards Gender/Domestic Violence

At the end of this unit learners will be able to:

  1. Describe gender as a sociological construct
  2. Analyze personal and cultural perceptions towards gender
  3. Discuss societal perceptions and status regarding men and women
  4. Discuss the role and status of women in Pakistani society
  5. Evaluate societal attitudes towards factors enhancing women’s status

Unit X

  Human Rights

At the end of the unit learners will be able to:

  1. Recognize basic human rights
  2. Define human rights
  3. Appreciate the importance of human rights
  4. Conceptualize a rights based approach to health
  5. Identify nurses role in client centered health care approach
  6. Discuss the concept of poverty
  7. Describe poverty and related theories
  8. Discuss poverty distribution
  9. Identify the impact of poverty in Pakistani society
  10. Explore the relationship between poverty and health.

Unit XI

 Migrating Families and Health

At the end of the unit learners will be able to:

  1. Describe cultural change and process of change
    • Determine factors influencing immigration and emigration (in society)
    • Analyze stages of cultural shock
      • Discuss challenges of immigrant populations
      • Discuss current world affairs and their influence on human rights and health in particular
      • Discuss the local health system frameworks and its efficiency in meeting the needs of the population

Unit XII

Social Issue after Disasters:

At the end of the unit learners will be able to:

  1. Discuss the general impact of disasters
  2. Analysis psychological and social implication of disasters
  1. The paper should be limited to 1250-1500 words
  2. Refer the attached guidelines for paper writing

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