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Discrete Structures (CS1123): Course outlines

Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are countable or otherwise distinct and separable. Examples of structures that are discrete are combinations, graphs, and logical statements. Discrete structures can be finite or infinite.


Mathematical reasoning: introduction to logic, propositional and predicate calculus; negation disjunction and conjunction; implication and equivalence; truth tables; predicates; quantifiers; natural deduction; rules of Inference; methods of proofs; use in program proving; resolution principle; Set theory: Paradoxes in set theory; inductive definition of sets and proof by induction; Relations, representation of relations by graphs; properties of relations, equivalence relations and partitions; Partial orderings; Linear and well-ordered sets; Functions: mappings, injection and surjection, composition of functions; inverse functions; special functions; Piano postulates; Recursive function theory; Elementary combinatory; counting techniques; recurrence relation; generating functions. Graph Theory: elements of graph theory, Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring, Euler graph, Hamiltonian path, trees and their applications Mathematical reasoning: introduction to logic, propositional and predicate calculus; negation disjunction and conjunction; implication and equivalence; truth tables; predicates; quantifiers; natural deduction; rules of Inference; methods of proofs; use in program proving; resolution principle; Set theory: Paradoxes in set theory; inductive definition of sets and proof by induction; Relations, representation of relations by graphs; properties of relations, equivalence relations and partitions; Partial orderings; Linear and well-ordered sets; Functions: mappings, injection and surjection, composition of functions; inverse functions; special functions; Piano postulates; Recursive function theory; Elementary combinatory; counting techniques; recurrence relation; generating functions. Graph Theory: elements of graph theory, Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring, Euler graph, Hamiltonian path, trees and their applications

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