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Introduction to Literature: Course Outline

. It focuses on the emergence and development of various genres of literature i.e. poetry, prose and drama over different periods in English history.

Course Outline

  • Definition of Literature
  • Literature: Aim, Scope and Genres
  • Chief Qualities of Literature
  • Literature and Life
  • Literature and Society
  • Literature and Morality - Art for Art's Sake Vs. Art for Life's Sake
  • Literature and the Writer's Personality

  • The importance of Poetry
  • Classification of Poetry -  According to Form; According to Content
  • The Structure of a Poem - Form; Stanza Structure; Rhythm and Meter; Rhyme; Line Structure
  • Elements of Poetry

Assignment 1 Submission - Literary Essay 

Topic: What is Literature?

  • Definition of Drama
  • Nature and characteristics of Drama
  • Types of Drama - Tragedy, Comedy, Tragic Comedy, Melodrama, Verse Drama
  • Elements of Drama:  Theme, Plot, Characters, Language/ Dialogue, Setting, Performance, Spectacle
  • Defining characteristics of the genre of Novel
  • How novel differs from other literary forms
  • Earliest forms of novel
  • Reasons for the novel's popularity
  • Types of Novel

​​​​​​​What is Criticism?

  • Nature and function of Criticism

  • Different schools of Criticism

Quiz 1:

Topic: Poetry - Its Function, Types, Structure and Elements

Anglo Saxon/ Old English Period (670 - 1100)

  • Anglo Saxon Conquest
  • Anglo Saxon Prose - The works of Alfred the Great and Aelfric
  • Anglo Saxon Poetry- Pagan Poetry; Religious Poetry

  • Norman Conquest
  • Characteristics of Anglo- Norman Literature
  • Romance Cycles
  • Poetry - Religious Poetry ; Secular Poetry
  • Prominent Prose writers
  • The Middle English Plays - The Miracle and Morality Plays

English Literature in the Age of Chaucer

English Literature in 15th Century

Course Outline

  • Historical Background
  • Major Literary Characteristics of the Age
  • Elizabethan Poetry
  • Elizabethan Prose
  • Renaissance Drama


  • Jacobean and Caroline Prose 

The Restoration Period (1660 - 1700)

  • Historical Background
  • Major Literary Characteristics of the Age
  • Poetry, Prose and Drama in the Restoration Age

Assignment 2 Submission : Literary Essay

Topic: The Renaissance Literature

  • Historical Background
  • Major Literary Characteristics of the Age – realism and precision
  • The Origin of Novel as a  Literary form
  • The Age of Pope
  • The Age of Johnson
  • Eighteenth Century Drama
  • Historical Background
  • Major Literary Characteristics of the Age - The Romantic Revival
  • Poetry, Prose and Novel in the Romantic Age
  • Historical Background of the Age
  • Major Literary Characteristics of the Age
  • Poetry, Prose and Novel  in the Victorian Age
  • Historical Background of the Age
  • Literary characteristics of the Age – literary methods such as stream of consciousness, fragmentation and realism
  • The 20th Century English Drama – Women in modern drama, realism in theatre, absurdist drama or existentialist theatre

Modern Literature (1900-1961)

  • Major poets, novelists and dramatists

Quiz 2:

Topic: The Victorian Age (1832-1900)

Post-Modern and the Contemporary Literature (1939- Present)

  • History of Post-Modernism
  • Characteristics of Post-Modernism
  • Themes and Techniques in Post- Modern Fiction
  • The Novel in 1950’s and 60’s
  • The Novel from 1970s

Final Project Submission

Text Books

Essential Reading(s)

Supplementary Reading(s)