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Language Acquisition: Course Outline

The course begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of language acquisition, first language acquisition, stages of first language development and first language acquisition process.

Course Outline

Basic concepts of language acquisition

First Language Acquisition

  • Role of Input
  • Social Interaction
  • Caregiver Speech

Stages of First Language Development



  • Phonological Development
  • Morphological Development
  • Syntactic Development
  • Semantic Development

Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition

  • Behaviorism
  • Mentalism
  • Cognitivism
  • Social Interactionism

Key issues in second language acquisition

Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition

Social factors and second language acquisition

Cognitive factors and second language acquisition

Individual differences and second language

  • Formal instruction and second language acquisition
  • Classroom interaction and second language acquisition
  • Input, interaction and second language acquisition
  • Error analysis and second language acquisition
  • The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
  • The Monitor Hypothesis.
  • The Natural Order Hypothesis.
  • The Input Hypothesis
  • The Affective Filter Hypothesis

Acculturation/Pidginization Theory

  • Overgeneralization
  •  Transfer of Training
  •  Strategies of Second Language Learning
  •  Strategies of Second Language Communication
  •  Language Transfer
  • Language Socialization in SLA
  • Socio-cultural Theory
  • Processability Theory
  • Cognitive processes in second language learners

Universal Grammar

  • Role of Universal Grammar in first and second language acquisition
  • Principle and Parameter Theory
  • Projection Principle
  • Language Learning through Association
  • Connectionism
  • Latest trends and researches in second language acquisition
  • Issues and recommendations concerning second language learning/teaching in a multilingual Pakistani society

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)

  • To familiarize students with the basic concepts of language acquisition, first language acquisition, stages of first language development and first language acquisition process,
  • To gain an understanding of major concepts and factors of SLA,
  • To explore and evaluate SLA theories from the point of view of second language learners,
  • To inculcate research-based skills in them for practically implementing the theoretical knowledge in real-life situations,
  • To equip students with the latest researches conducted in the area of second language acquisition, and
  • To highlight the issues and recommendations concerning second language learning/teaching in a multilingual Pakistani society.

Essential Reading

Supplementary Reading(s)