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Psycholinguistics : Course Outline

Course Outline

  1. The domain of  psycholinguistics

Language and the brain:                                     Neurolinguistics

  1. Information processing approach

Bottom-up and top-down processing

  1. Lateralization in the brain

Relationship between

Neurolinguistics  & Psycholinguistics

  1. Memory and language

Working memory: an overview

  1. Knowing a word

Lexical form

  1. Issues in Listening

Categorical Perception

Listening in Real Time

Locating word boundaries

  1. The meaning of meaning

Forming lexical categories

  1. Decoding in Reading

Eye movements in reading

Skilled and unskilled readers

Decoding versus whole word

  1. Lexical storage and lexical access

Word association

  1. Characteristics of speech

Stages in the speaking process

A model of speaking

Self-monitoring in speaking

  1. Models of lexical retrieval

Lexical processing

  1. Writing

Writing at word level

The Stages of writing

Factors in skilled writing

  1. Long term memory and schema theory

Meaning representations


Anaphor resolution

  1. Relationship between Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics and Cognitive linguistics.

Course Objectives

Course Objectives

  • How the mind and brain process the language.
  • Understand Processes of Language Comprehension and production.
  • Understanding the lexical storage and retrieval of language by the brain.
  • Learning language acquisition in the social and normal discourse.
  • Apply Psycholinguistics to analyze and teach language skills.
  • Learning the schemata of language.
  • Formulating and implementing the linguistics plan alongside conversational discourse.


Supplementary Reading