Course Objectives
This course is designed to extend the knowledge of theoretical foundations of various Therapeutic Interventions. Emphasis of Therapeutic Intervention courses is to cover most commonly used interventions in the field of Clinical Psychology. Teaching will entail delivering lectures, explaining underlying Theoretical Rational, Case Conceptualization and Exercises will address both theory and application of various therapeutic interventions. The purpose is to prepare internees to have grasp on goals and methods for inducing change in the clients with Psychological Problems & Psychiatric Disorders.
Course Outcome
At the end of the course, internees are expected to have necessary competencies to delivered Evidence-Based Psychological Therapies
1. Behavioural Theory and Application
2. Principles of Operant Behaviour/Conditioning a. Review of Basic Concepts: ABCs of Behavior, Reinforcement Schedules, Types of Reinforcement (Positive and Negative), Extinction and
3. Spontaneous Recovery
4. Techniques Token Economy, Response Cost, Time-Out, Over-Correction, Satiation, Habituation, Exposure/Flooding, Response Prevention, Systematic Desensitization, Extinction, Progressive Relaxation Training.
5. Functional Behavioral Assessment
a. Basic Principles: Antecedents, Behavior, Consequences
b. Observing and Recording Behavior/Direct Assessment
c. Indirect/Direct Assessment
6. Behavior Therapy in Groups
7. Legal and Ethical Issues in Behavior Management
8. Failure and Negative Outcome in Behavior Therapy