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Introduction to Philosophy: Course Outline (PHIL-2105)

The word Philosophy is derived from two Greek words; Philo meaning love and Sophia meaning wisdom. In general, it means love of wisdom. Philosophy is a broad field of knowledge in which the definition of knowledge itself is one of the subjects investigate

Course Objective

The relationship between Philosophy and Psychology often remains elusive even for the students in the liberal arts, and this course helps students to relate the two disciplines (i.e., Philosophy and Psychology). Students will learn how to identify underlying and embedded Philosophical Assumptions and critical analysis of the Psychological Theories.

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Course Contents

Course Contents Introduction
a) What is Philosophy?
b) Nature and Scope of Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
a) Arguments for the existence of God
b) Teleological Argument
c) Cosmological Argument
d) Ontological Argument
e) Problem of Evil
f) Faith and Reason

Political Philosophy

a) Equality
b) Freedom
c) Reform
Moral Philosophy
a) Introduction
b) Major Theories


Knowledge of the External World
a) Commonsense Realism
b) Representation Realism

c) Idealism
d) Phenomenalism

Philosophy of Art
a) What is Art?
b) Major theories
c) The Significant Form Theory
d) The Idealist Theory
e) The Institutional Theory
f) Art Criticism
g) Anti-Intentionalism
h) Performance, Interpretation and Authenticity

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