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Professional Ethics in Psychology (Life & Living): Course Outline (UR- 557)

Rules of acceptable conduct that members of a given profession are expected to follow. See boundary issues; code of ethics; ethics; professional standards;

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to introduce students with:
a) Knowledge of Ethical guidelines devised by APA and other International bodies for Psychologists, both as researcher and professionals.
b) Ethics in Islam and Islamic Bioethical Issues encountered in Professional role of a Clinical Psychologist.
c) Awareness about ethical Standards, legal issues, issues related to Clinical Service Delivery, Professional Social Responsibility, and Issues of Diversity and Equality in Clinical Psychology as well as limits of confidentiality according to the Islamic view and values
d) The intent, organization, procedural consideration, and application of Code of ethics to guide them to towards attaining professional credibility and integrity as a researchers and practicing Islamic psychologist.

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Course Contents

Introduction and Applicability of Ethical Issues
Historical development
Code of Ethics provided by APA, BPS, and other international bodies
Islamic Ethics
Islamic Bioethical Issues
General Principles
Ethical Standards

c) Resolving ethical issues
d) Competence
e) Human relations: Respecting Diversity and Equality, Dual role

f) Privacy and confidentiality in Islamic context
g) Advertising and other public statements
h) Record keeping and fees
i) Education and training
j) Research and publication: Plagiarism
k) Assessment
l) Therapy and counseling: Islamic Professional ethics
Islamic bioethics
a) Western Bioethics and Islamic Bioethics
b) Islamic bioethics is based on duties and obligations (e.g., to preserve life, seek treatment)
c) 1981 Islamic Code of Medical Ethics
d) Consent and Confidentiality in Islam
e) Prohibition against both suicide and euthanasia.
f) Concept of abortion in Islam
g) The Oath in Ethics (according to the Islamic perspective


Course outcome

At the completion of the course the student will be able to:

a) Understand the ethical guidelines according to the Islamic values for conducting research and practice in Psychology.

b) Will have a sense of code of conduct both as a researcher and a professional psychologist and will be able to integrate their academic learning within the framework of clinical practice in an Islamic professional way.