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Schools and Perspectives in Psychology: Course Outlines (APSY- 401)

Course objective

The rationale of the course is to teach students historical foundation of Psychology. The course will also provide students an understanding of theoretical basis of human behavior which includes major perspectives in Psychology (psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, humanistic, existential and gestalt)


Unit # 1 Schools of Psychology     

  • Brief history of psychology
  • Greek contribution
  •  Muslim contribution
  •  Structuralism
  • Functionalism

Unit # 2 Introduction to Perspectives 

  • Difference between theory , Models and Perspectives
  • Major assumptions , major contributions and basic concepts

Unit # 3 Biological perspective

  • Heredity
  • Endocrine glands
  • Major assumptions , major contributions and basic concepts

Unit # 4 Psychodynamic Perspective

  • Classical psychoanalysis ( Freudian Perspective)
  • Neo Freudians ( Jung, Adler, Horney, Erick Fromm, Sullivan )

Unit # 5 Behaviorist perspective

  • Classical behaviorism (Pavlov, Watson)
  • Operant Conditioning  (Thorndike , Skinner)
  • Social Learning  ( Bandura, )

Unit # 6 Cognitive Perspective

  • Kelley’s Personal construct theory
  • Cognitive Perspective by Aaron Beck
  • Seligman’s model of learned helplessness
  • Lazarus Perspective of Appraisal and coping
  • Cognitive behavioral perspective by Albert Ellis

Unit # 7 Humanistic perspective 

  • Abraham Malsow
  • Carl Rogers

Unit # 8 Existential Perspective

  • Thomas Szaz
  • Victor Frankel
  • R.D Lange

Unit # 9 Gestalt Perspective

  • Wertheimer
  • Kohler
  • Koffka
  • Lewin                                                                                 

Recommended Books

Course Outcome

After the completion of this course the students will be able to:


  • Understand the basic theoretical basis of human behavior.


  • Know about the different perspectives of psychology.

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Teaching Methodology

Following ways of teaching would be applied;

  • Lecture
  • Assignments
  • Interactive discussion
  • Individual presentation of topic
  • Group presentation