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Clinical Internship: Course Outline (APSY- 4103)

Define Clinical Internship. means a culminating clinical practice experience that can be of varying duration.

Course Objectives

This course is designed to equip the students with practical skills in application of the basic concepts of Clinical Psychology. Students will learn to integrate the applied practice and skills in history taken, psychological assessment, diagnosis, formulation and devising intervention/ prevention plan. Students will write detailed descriptive case studies of interviewed clinical cases of Child, Adult and Geriatrics in hospitals and Community health services. Students will also enhance clinical case report writing skills by improving their linguistic expertise as well as following the APA format.

Management Plan

a) Management Plan in linking with presenting complaints and based on evidenced based theoretical model.
b) Clearly identifies treatment goals and targets and the specific intervention strategies that have been selected for achieving these (the “what” and “how” of the plan).

Course Contents

History Taking
a) Behavioral Observation
b) Eliciting Presenting Complaints
c) History of Present Illness
d) Childhood History (Developmental in case with special need child) , Educational, Occupational History, Family , Marital History, Premorbid Personality.
Psychological Assessment
a) Symptom Specific Assessment
b) Cognitive Assessment
c) Personality Assessment
a) Diagnosis on five axis according to presenting complaints, course and duration of illness, stressors, secondary general medical condition (if presence) and functioning level.
b) Differential diagnosis to support the diagnosis

Course outcome

a) By the end of this course the students will be able to take relevant history, assess the psychological issues and conceptualize the etiology, and formulate the case in the light of existing psychological research. The students will also be able to diagnose the clients propose relevant intervention plans.