Control of quality (process Control) and Error Detection
a. Levels of activity in the Control process
b. Testing Quality Control specimens- daily decision making
c. Quality Control mechanics
i. How to Choose a QC pool
d. A Simple Method for establishing Average temporary target values for QC Pools
i. Calculation of The Usual Standard deviation
ii. Setting The action Control limits for Each Level of control Pool
iii. Setting Quality control Limits by Power curves
Detection And Resolution Of Quality Problems
a. The Out-of-Control decision
b. Detection of quality Problems
i. Computer Assistance
ii. Levey-Jenning plots
c. Using patient data in making decision
i. Pattern of patient results
ii. The delta check
d. Actions to bring A Testing system back into Control
e. Actions To be taken When Method is Out of Control
Calibration and Quality Control
a. Use of calibrators
b. A Practical system for New Calibrator Verification
External Quality Control Programmers And Other Tools For Accuracy Control
Definitive And Reference Method
I. Test Variables/ Errors
1. Pre analytical Test Variables
2. Analytical Test Variables
i. Accuracy
ii. Precision
iii. Random Errors
a. Setting Goals
b. Total allowable error
c. Performance Required for Proficiency Testing
d. Medical Decision Limit