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Epidemiology and community medicine: Course Outline RLT 636

Course Outline

 Introduction to epidemiology
 Determinants

A. Primary
B. Secondary

 Clinical epidemiology
 Occupational epidemiology
 Importance of epidemiology
 Definitions of common terms related to epidemiology?
 Health Indication
 Concept of Health and Disease
 Definition of health (Dimensions, physical, mental, social and spiritual).
 Spectrum of health, Determinants of health.
 Responsibility for health
 Indicators of health
 Concept of disease
 Concept of causation (all theories including ecological triad, (agent, host & environmental
 Spectrum of disease
 Iceberg phenomenon
 Natural history of disease
 Levels of prevention
 Disease elimination and eradication
 Disease surveillance
 Introduction to Public Health and Health Systems in Pakistan

i. Background and concepts: Definitions and concepts in Public health

 Development of public Health in Pakistan
 Economics and Health
 Health policy and planning in Pakistan. “Health for all” background, concepts and progress.
 “Primary Health care”: Concepts and progress.
 The national disease control programs; polices, strategies and operations.

A. Health system in Pakistan: The role of Federal and Provincial Governments in
Health care.

 The district health system, in the context of devolution
 The physician as a manager: Functions of manager, management of material, human and
financial resources.
 Leadership and motivation
 Partners in health

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