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Translation Studies: Course Outline

This course aims to present and identify that translation is a science. And to impart application of Linguistic knowledge to translating text into target language or back.

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course the students will be able to demonstrate understanding and ability to use effective language skills to do translation exercises.

Course Content

  • Translation Studies in Pakistan.
  • Types of Translation
  •  Problems for a faithful Translator
  • Types of  Translation
  • Textual Equivalence :Cohesion
  • Modern translations: across genres, poetry, essays, one act plays etc
  • Collocational patterning
  • Grammatical Equivalence
  • Interpretation
  • CAT
  • Careers in  TRANSLATION
  • Translation Projects

Recommended Articles

Introduction to Semantics and Translation by Barnwell, K.

Translating the Word of God by Beekman, J. and Callow, J

Procedures and strategies for the translation of culture by Ivir, V. in 1987

Linguistics and ethnology in translation-problems by Nida, E. A. in 1964

Essential Reading