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General Anatomy: Course Outline (BSGA613)

Course Outline

1. The human body – Introduction Anatomical Nomenclature & body planes Life
span of a human being
2. Structural and functional organization, Terminology and body plan
3. Systematic Anatomy
4. Basic organization of the body
5. Major tissue types - Skin
6. The structure of the hypodermis, dermis and epidermis.
7. Superficial fascia and deep fascia
8. The Musculoskeletal System: Origin, insertion & prime movers of Muscles,
Bones, Joints & its movements
9. The process of bone ossification. Growth, Remodeling and repair
10. Main features of the skull including all views, Shape and regions of vertebral
11. The Nervous System (CNS, PNS, ANS)
12. Body cavities, Membranes, Organs and Organ systems
13. Sense Organs
14. The structure of a neuron, nerve, nerve tract, nucleus, and ganglion.
15. The components of a reflex arc and synapse
16. Cerebrospinal fluid and its circulation.
17. List the various cranial nerves
18. Brain & Spinal Cord
19. The Cardiovascular System.
20. Pulmonary System
21. Circulatory System
22. Blood Vessels
23. Major arteries and veins and the body areas, they supply
24. Lymphatic System
25. The Respiratory System
26. The Genito-Urinary System
27. The Endocrine System
28. The Digestive System & GIT System
29. Exposure to Anatomy Lab





• To describe the general anatomy of the human body.
• To describe the anatomy of the different systems of the body.
• To describe the applied aspects of human anatomy.

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