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Behavioral Sciences: Course Outline

optometry (BSBS613)

Learning Objective

  • Use Bio-psycho-social model in his clinical work.
  • Integrate knowledge of behavioral sciences with medical /dental sciences in his clinical training and future practice.
  • Use principles of behavioral sciences in his own learning and in his/ her communication with the patients and their families.
  • Use principles of behavioral sciences to enhance his own learning skills.
  • Exhibit highest standards of medical / dental ethics and character is his interaction with teachers, colleagues, patients their families and society at large.

Course content

1. Introduction to Behavioral Sciences and its importance in health

2. Normality vs Abnormality

3. Desirable Attitudes in Health Professionals

4. Understanding Behavior

5. Memory and describe its stages, types and methods to improving it

6. Cognition and levels of cognition

7. Individual Differences – personality, intelligence, emotions & motivations

8. Stress and stressors - Relationship of stress and stressors with illness

9. Pain, Sleep, Consciousness – its concept & physiology

10. Bio-Psycho-Social Model of Health Care and the Systems Approach 

Basic Hematology

optometry, health-care profession concerned with examining the eyes for defects of vision and diagnosing and treating such conditions. Optometrists prescribe and supply eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other optical aids that correct the focusing of the eyes.

Optometrists examine the eyes and other parts of the visual system. They also diagnose and treat visual problems and manage diseases, injuries, and other disorders of the eyes. They prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses as needed

Course content

11. Importance of Behavioral sciences in health

12. Perception, what factors affecting perception

13. Attention and concentration. What factors affecting them

14. Thinking; describe its types and theories

15. Problem solving and decision-making strategies

16. Learning, Principles of learning, modern methods and styles of learning, types of learners, Strategies to improve learning skills

17. Concept of life events and their relationship with stress and illness

18. Culture and Health practice - its dynamics. Attitude, value, belief, myths, social class, stigma, sick role and illness, health belief models