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Single Sing-On : A solution for access to all resources

Access to ISD resources is not limited to campus boundaries now, get user name/password for single sing on and horizons are open to you where you are. It allow users to have access to multiple applications by signing in with only one account.

Riphah International University Chakdara Campus

Riphah International University is a private University, chartered by the Federal Government of Pakistan in 2002. The University was established with a view to producing professionals with Islamic moral and ethical values. The University has 08 faculties and 16 academic departments and an overseas projects. The University is also working on the establishment of its campus in Mauritius. Currently, the University has campuses in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad. Recently, Riphah is ranked in the second position among all the private sector universities in the general category. To cater to the educational needs of the Malakand Division, Riphah International University is opening its first state-of-the-art campus in Chakdara, Malakand. Malakand campus have the following Faculties and programs.

  1. Faculty of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences (Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT),  Bachelors of Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT), BS Microbiology
  2. Faculty of Social Sciences (BS English (Linguistics & Literature), BS Applied Psychology, BS Clinical Psychology,
  3. Faculty of Computing (BS Software Engineering)
  4. Faculty of Management Sciences (BBA Years)

Riphah International University Chakdara Campus

IT services @ ISD

For the facilitation of students, ISD provides latest computer systems in the library, connected with  high internet connection, through which students may access digital resources of the library or my complete his/her assignment/presentation in the peaceful environment.

Deputy Manager

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Ishraq Khan
Deputy Manager Information Services Department




Ask Help

Reference Services provides reference and research assistance to students, faculty, and staff of Riphah International University. In-person assistance is available at the Query Desk of  Libraries. Librarians are also available through email on libonline 


for individuals who want one-on-one research assistance should contact the Subject Specialist.

Information Services Department

Information services is working as the center of information for Riphah community. The department aims to provide most dynamic learning and research environment to the users. Information Services fulfills the information needs of the faculty and students, by providing traditional library services as well as streamlines access to a wide range of e-resources. The objective of Information Services Department is to focus on acquiring right information, processing it and to disseminate that information at the right time to the appropriate users to fulfill their academic needs. We advance the creation, sharing, and
preservation of knowledge through the use of latest tools and techniques.

The information services department aims to encourage and support the academic and research activities of Riphah faculty, staff and students. It provide a full range of services that include borrowing of books, online information searching, reference services, inter-library loan, online delivery of documents, photocopying, audiovisual materials, access to virtual collections & digital resources, CD-ROM & online searching etc. information services department comprises 12 libraries and 1 LRCs. 

The department educates the users by conducting semester wise information literacy classes on regular basis to strengthen the skills of students in the field of research. In order to enhance their learning capacity, information advisor emphasize on searching and study skills as well.

Information Services Department is ISO certified by Lloyd’s Register LRQA.