Topic No. 1 Islam as the last religion a comprehensive way of life.
a. The meaning of Islam
b. The Characteristics of Islam
i. Simplicity, Rationalism and Practicably
ii. Unity of Matter and Spirit
iii. A Complete Code of Life
iv. Balance between Individualism and Collectivism
v. Universalism
vi. Permanence and Change
Topic No. 2 The World view of Islam and Others
a. Theocentricity of the Universe (Concept of Tauhid in Islam)
b. Position of Man in the World
c. Concept of Life after death
Topic No. 3 Concept of Work and Business in Islam
a. Importance of Work and Tijarah in Islam
b. Condemnation of Laziness and Idleness
c. Work as a Duty
Topic No. 4 Concept of Contract in Islam
a. Meaning of the Contract
b. Formation of a Contract
c. Classification of Contract
i. Valid Contracts
ii. Invalid Contracts
Topic No. 5 Mudaraba Contracts
a. The Meaning of Mudaraba
b. Relation between the Principal and the Agent i.e. Mudarib
c. Terms of a Valid Contract of Mudaraba
d. Whether Mudaraba is practicable?
Topic No. 6 Contracts of Insurance
a. Concept of Insurance
b. The Concept of Aqila
c. Issues in Insurance
d. The Social Security System
Topic No. 7 Riba in Islam
a. Meaning of Riba
b. Kinds of Riba
c. Quran and ahadith on the prohibition of Riba
d. Views of Jurists on Riba
Topic No. 8 Banking Contract in Islam
a. Banking System in Islam
b. Interest-Free Banking
i. Introduction
ii. Establishment of the Bank
iii. Sources of Capital
Topic No. 9 The Market under the Influence of Islamic Spirit
a. Significance of Market Mechanism
b. Price Adjustment
c. No Restriction of Trade
d. Honesty and Truthfulness
Topic No. 10 Implementation of Islamic Principles in Business Law
a. Concept of Hisbah
b. Duties of Muhtasib