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Modern Physics: Course Outline PHY 2002


To understand the non-classical aspects of Physics, The emphasis is on the applications of Quantum Physics in microscopic-scale Physics, atomic and molecular structure and processes

Course Contents

Quantization of Charge, Black Body Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, X-rays and Compton Effect, Atomic Spectra, Rutherford’s Nuclear Model, The Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom and X-rays Spectra, Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, The Frank Hertz Experiment, Angular Momenta and Magnetic Dipole Moments, The De-Broglie Hypothesis, Wave Packets, The Uncertainty Principle, Properties of Nuclei, Mass Deficit and Packing Fraction, Binding Energy, Nuclear Forces and Models, Radioactivity, Radioactive Dating, Nuclear Fission and Fusion, Nuclear Reactors, Thermonuclear Reactions, The Stern-Gerlach Experiment, Magnetic Resonance.

Text Books

Course learning outcomes

On completion of this course it is intended that student will be able to:
  • State the basic principles of special relativity and elementary quantum mechanics and the regimes in which the different theories apply
  • Apply these principles in conjunction with elementary mathematical techniques to solve simple problems in relativistic and quantum mechanics
  • Present a solution to a physics problem in a clear and logical written form
  • Assess whether a solution to a given problem is physically reasonable
  • Locate and use additional sources of information (to include discussion with peers where appropriate) to facilitate independent problem-solving
  • Take responsibility for learning by attending lectures and workshops, and completing coursework

Reference Books