The students will learn the Pediatric management of refractive errors and other visual problems. The students will also learn the dispensing aspects of glasses in children and critical management of different refractive eye conditions in Pediatric eye care like Amblyopia and Anisometropia etc.
1. Visual Assessment
2. Pre-Verbal Assessment
3. Verbal Assessment
4. Refraction
5. Development of Refractive Error
6. Objective & Subjective methods
7. Pre-Verbal Refraction
8. Verbal Refraction
9. Pediatric Low Vision
10. Causes of Childhood Blindness – Need & Constraints
11. LV management in Children
12. Congenital Anomalies of the Eye
13. Problems affecting the Optical management and Visual Outcome
14. Management Options
15. Pediatric Contact lenses & Dispensing & Screening
16. Requirement & Management of the of Contact lenses in Children
17. Understanding the Indication and Contra Indication of Contact Lenses
18. Dispensing of Glasses to Children – Problems and care