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Obstetrics Physical Therapy: Course Content (WPTOB-773)

This course will cover antenatal, perinatal and postnatal, neonatal disorders, complications, their examination and physical therapy management. Different modes of delivery and post operative care will be taught.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives:
 To describe physiological adaptation during physical activity in antenatal period.
 To perform antenatal examination.
 To develop antenatal exercise plan.
 To understand labor stages and mechanism.
 To describe fetal monitoring during labor.
 To apply physical therapy intervention during different stages of labor.
 To describe different modes of deliveries.
 To understand acute postpartum medical interventions after vaginal and caesarian delivery.
 To perform postpartum physical therapy care after vaginal and caesarian delivery.
 To describe different obstetric analgesics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and modes of drug application.
 To perform postpartum and neonatal examination.
 To understand physiology, mechanisms, and disorders of lactation.
 To educate the patient about positioning of lactation after vaginal and caesarian delivery.
 To illustrate antenatal, perinatal and postnatal complications.
 To modify physical therapy plan of care in term of antenatal, perinatal and postnatal complications.

Course Content

1. Antenatal care:
 Diagnosis and presumptive manifestations
 Pregnancy tests
 Gestational age
 Initial examination
 Examination in subsequent visits
 Drugs during pregnancy

 Antenatal preparation for feeding
2. Physical activity and exercise during the childbearing years
 Cardiovascular and pulmonary adaptations of pregnancy
 Metabolic/thermoregulatory adaptation of pregnancy
 Musculoskeletal changes during pregnancy
 Benefits of maternal exercise
 Effect of maternal exercise on fetus
 American college of obstetricians and gynecologists committee on obstetric practice:
opinion on exer
 Developing a prenatal exercise program
 Developing a postnatal exercise program
 Postpartum exercise prescription
 Exercise and breast-feeding
 Development of prenatal and postnatal fitness programs
3. Normal labour:
 What is labor
 Essential factors of labor
 Mechanism of initiation of labor
 Course of labor
 Aids to normal delivery
4. Fetal monitoring during labour:
 Supervision in first stage of labour
 Supervision in 2 nd stage of labour
 Supervision in 3 rd stage of labour
5. Prenatal and perinatal options: informed choices to promote normal birth
 Normal birth
 Determination of risk
 Prenatal options
 Perinatal options
6. Physical therapy intervention during labor and delivery and postpartum care
 Labor and delivery
 Progression of labor
 Anatomical considerations for normal labor and delivery
 Influence of maternal positioning and fetal descent
 Positioning during labor and delivery in the presence of maternal neuromusculoskeletal
 Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
 Traditional medical management during labor: potential complications and physical
therapy intervention.
 Physical therapy for relaxation during labor and delivery
 Postpartum care: cesarean section and vaginal delivery

 Acute postpartum intervention after a vaginal delivery
 Acute postpartum intervention after a cesarean section delivery
 Outpatient postpartum care for both a cesarean section and a vaginal delivery
7. Analgesia and anaesthesia:
 Anatomy of pain
 Techniques of analgesia without use of drugs
 Analgesic, amnestic, and anesthetic agents
 Regional anesthesia and analgesia
 Analgesia for intrapartum obstetrics
 Analgesia for abnormal obstetrics
 Anesthesia for nonobstetric complications
 Anesthesia for cesarean section deleivery

8. Operative delivery:
 Forceps operations
 Vacuum extractors
 Cesarean section
 Vaginal delivery following previous cesarean section

9. Peurperium and lactation:

 Anatomic and physiological changes during peurperium
 Complications during peurperium
 Conduct of peurperium
 Postpartum immunization
 Abnormalities of peurperium
 Postpartum complications
 Lactation physiology
 Principles and techniques of feeding
 Disorders of lactation

10. Neonatal care:
 APGAR score
 Complete physical examination of newborn
 Infant feeding
 immunization 

11. Disorders of fetal growth and assessment of fetal well being:

 Small for gestational age pregnancy

 Large for gestational age pregnancy

Course Content

12. Multiple pregnancy:
 Pathogenesis
 Clinical findings
 Complications of MP
13. Malpresentations and cord prolapse:
 Breech presentation
 Version
 Compound presentation
 Shoulder dystocia
 Ublical cord collapse

14. Psychological aspects of obstetric:
 Stress in pregnancy
 Stress in peurperium
 Adolescent pregnancy psychological issues
 Psychiatric disorders
15. Pre conception counseling:
 Preconceptual care
16. Techniques during antenatal period:
 Introduction
 Antenatal care options
 Routine antenatal care
 Antenatal classes
 Diet and weight gain in pregnancy
 Planning and leading labour and parentcraft
17. Preparation for labour:
 Introduction
 Preparation
 Relaxation
 Breathing
 Positions in labour
 Massage in labour
 Other coping strategies
 Pain relief in labour

 The third stage of labour
 Birth plans
 Variations in labour
 The puerperium
18. Techniques for postnatal period:
 Introduction
 Postpartum physical/mental condition
 Postnatal care
 Immediate postnatal problems
 Long-term postnatal problems
19. Techniques for peurperium and lactation:
 Management of engorged breast
 Management of cracked nipple
 Management of perineal discomfort
 Management of postpartum blues
20. Post operative management of surgical conditions in obs
 management of forcep delivery
 management after vaccum extractor
 post operative management of cesarean section
21. Medical management and physical therapy management of high-risk pregnancy
 Defining bed rest during high-risk pregnancy
 Physiological effects of long-term bed rest
 Management of high-risk pregnancies and evidence-based medicine
 Rehabilitation services for high-risk pregnancies
 Psychosocial issues related to high-risk pregnancies
22. Physical therapy management of musculoskeletal dysfunction during pregnancy
Anatomical changes to joints and soft tissues during pregnancy related to musculoskeletal
Examination of the pregnant patient
Physical examination of the upper quarter
Selected upper quarter dysfunction common in pregnancy
Selected lower quarter dysfunction common in pregnancy
Contraindications for use of physical agents in pregnancy
Medication usage in pregnancy

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