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Medical Parasitology and Entomology: Course Outline

Course Code RLT-628

Course content

1. Definition -parasitism, HOST, vectors etc.
2. Classification of Parasites.
3. Phylum Protozoa- general Pathogenic and nonpathogenic protozoa.
4. Phylum Nemathelminths Round words (nematode)
5. Phylum Platyhelminths- class-cestoda, class-Trematoda.
6. Lab diagnosis of parasitic infections.
7. Protozoa
A. Intestinal Amoebae
a. E. Histolytica: Life cycle, Morphology, disease & lab diagnosis
b. E. coli: life cycle, Morphology, Disease and Lab diagnosis
B. Flagellates of intestine genitalia
a. Giardia lamblia: life cycle, Morphology, Disease & Lab diagnosis
b. Trichomonasvaginalis: life cycle, Morphology, Disease & lab diagnosis
C. Malarial Parasite
a. Plasmodium vivax: Life cycle, morphology, disease & lab diagnosis
b. Differences between P. vivax, P. malaria, P. falcipaum & P. ovale
8. Nematodes
A. Intestinal Nematodes
a. Ascaris: life cycle, Morphology, disease & lab diagnosis
b. Brief discussion about enterobiusvermicularis (Thread worm) and Ancylostoma

c. Duodenale (Hook worm)
B. Tissue Nematodes.
C. W. Bancrofti – life cycle, morphology, diseases & lab diagnosis

Basic Hematology

Hematology is the study of blood and the disorders related to it. Human blood consists of blood cells and plasma. Blood has many functions, including transporting oxygen and nutrients to tissues, removing waste materials (e.g., carbon dioxide, urea), regulating body temperature, and carrying cells responsible for coagulation and immune response.


Course Content

9. Phylum Platyhelminths
A. Cestodes- T. solium, T.saginata & E. granulosus. (In brief)
B. Trematodes – S. haematobium & F. hepatica (In brief)
10. Role of Arthropods in the transmission of diseases.
11. Mosquito: Morphology and Bionomics of Anophales, Culex, Aedes and Mansaonia.
12. Mosquito – Borne diseases and their control
13. Phlebotomus: Morphology, life – history and control
14. House fly- Morphology, life cycle, disease relationship and control
15. Tse-Tse fly (glossina) morphology, life-cycle and public health importance.
16. Fleas: Morphology, life cycle, disease transmitted and control
17. Louse: Morphology, life cycle, disease transmitted and control
18. Bed bug: Life cycle and control
19. Ticks: Morphology, life cycle, disease transmitted and control
20. Sarcoptisscabiei: Morphology, life cycle, public health importance and control
21. Cyclops and Public Health importance.



1. Specimen collection, labeling and handling
2. Microbiology laboratory hazards and precautions
3. Urine examination
4. Stool examination
A. Direct method
B. Concentration method
5. Blood film for haemoparasite Semen examinations